Social Links for Janet Gervers: Designer, Artist, Writer

Social Links for Janet Gervers: Designer, Artist, Writer

contact janet a gervers jagmedia venice beach ca website design, venice beach blogger
Connect with Janet Gervers on social media. Find out about branding & strategy, website design, graphic design, social media services, original content creation and available  artwork.

Located in Venice, CA the creative heart and soul of Los Angeles on Windward Circle in the NextSpace building. Convenient to all beaches and Westside Locations, Santa Monica and Culver City.



photo: Janet Gervers with Paul Stanley & Gene Simmons from KISS – Media Coverage in 2013  for her Venice lifestyle blog, Abbot Kinney First Fridays.




Jagmedia Design Studio: Websites Graphics & SEO, Venice Beach & Santa Monica

Jagmedia Design Studio: Websites Graphics & SEO, Venice Beach & Santa Monica

jagmedia website design venice, caJagmedia provides the full spectrum of design services from branding to all aspects of interactive website design, graphic design, blogs, YouTube channels, search engine optimization, social media, pr, and more to our clients throughout Venice and Los Angeles, California, US and international.

We work with entrepreneurs, green businesses and non-profit organizations. Janet Gervers is the President and Creative Director of the organization, in business since 2001, located in Venice (aka Venice Beach) and is passionate about the Venice community.

We’ve been building websites and a variety of interactive projects since 1995. Our websites are search engine friendly, contain Content Management Systems for clients who wish to update the website on their own without any html programming required. Multiple users  can edit these sites. This allows for flexibility and is optimal for quick text and photo changes. Typically, clients leave the more complex changes to us, knowing that they are in good hands with their website and all related media. Jagmedia is there to take care of our clients!